gidgegannup junior football club
Gidge Junior Football Club

The Gidgegannup Junior Football is for boys and girls wanting to play Auskick (Pre-Primary to Year 2) and Juniors (Year 3 to Year 6).

Auskick takes place on Saturday mornings, throughout April to August, at Percy Cullen Oval. It’s a fun morning for the all the kids and a great environment in which to learn their footy skills with parents joining in.

The Junior Football season also runs throughout April to August. The Hills Junior Football Competition, for Year 3 – 6, play on Sundays. The Gidgegannup teams compete against other teams from Mt. Helena, Chidlow, Parkerville, Mundaring and Darlington Clubs. The players train during the week at Percy Cullen Oval, to learn and hone their footy skills in order to be competitive.

Registrations are open in February.

For any queries or interest in joining the Gidgegannup Junior Football Club, now or in the future, please visit or please feel free to contact any of the committee representatives below.
President Roger Hillan 0447 000 893
Vice President Ian Vinton 0477 329 579
Treasurer Sarah Hames 0430 402 460
Secretary Donna Vinton 0417 083 577
Auskick Coordinator Matt & Laura Dacey 0409 080 759
Registrar Belinda Young
Kellie McCrum
0409 372 877
0437 886 014
postal address
Gidgegannup Junior Football Club
PO Box 89
Gidgegannup 6083
